A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau

All news ‘Belt and Road’ disability cooperation forum hosted as Part of RI Centennial Celebration

The ‘Belt and Road’ Disability Cooperation Theme Forum was hosted in Beijing on May 22, 2023, as part of Rehabilitation International (RI) Centennial Celebration.

At the forum, Zhou Changkui, vice chairperson of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF), stressed China’s commitment to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. He highlighted the country’s consistent development efforts in fields such as rehabilitation, education, employment, culture and sports, and accessibility, promoting the overall development of individuals with disabilities.

Zhou urged that in alignment with the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, countries and regions along the Belt and Road should deepen disability exchange and cooperation. This would foster inclusive development for people with disabilities, with particular attention to women, children and older people.

Attendees shared experiences of disability cooperation among countries and regions along the Belt and Road in fields such as rehabilitation, education, healthcare, voluntary services, employment, assistive technology, culture and the arts. A series of cooperation memorandums were signed during the forum. 

Over 160 representatives from RI, U.N. agencies, governments of countries along the Belt and Road, disability organizations, diplomatic envoys to China, and local federations of people with disabilities attended the forum.

Source: https://www.riglobal.org/belt-and-road-disability-cooperation-forum-hosted-as-part-of-ri-centennial-celebration/