International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Workshop (ICF Workshop)
Date: 28 June 2019 (Friday)
Time: 09:30- 12:30
Venue: Venetian Macao Resort Hotel
Speaker: Dr. Matilde LEONARDI
- Co-chair of the WHO-FIC (Family of International Classifications) Functioning and Disability Reference Group- FDRG
- Director of the Italian WHO Collaborating Centre Research Branch- Besta
- Director Neurology, Public Health, Disability Unit at National Neurological Institute Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy
- Since 1995 working on ICF development and implementation and has been co-chair of the WHO ICF children’s group for ICF-CY children and youth version development.
WHAT is featured in the programme?
The WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is a framework for describing and organizing information on functioning and disability.
The workshop introduces the latest development and implementation of ICF and
WHO DAS 2.0, Disability Assessment Schedule, the ICF derived assessment instruments to measure functioning and disability.
CONTENT of the Workshop:
A frontal lesson with Power Point presentation will be performed. Case vignettes on
ICF use will be done and discuss together. A question and answer time will be dedicated to clarify some of the key aspects related to needs and use of ICF in the different contests of participants, those who are applying ICF in their countries are invited to specify on the registration form and will be invited to say few words on this application. Links of ICF to the ICD, International Classification of Diseases and to the new ICHI, International Classification of Health Interventions, will be made. A special focus will be devoted to the introduction to WHO DAS 2.0, the assessment tool for disability assessment.
Number of participants: 40