A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau

RI Asia & Pacific Region Greeting Card/Poster Contest

In conjunction with the RI Centenary Celebrations, Asia and the Pacific Region organized a Contest for its Members to design a greeting card or poster to honor the occasion.

A total of 22 designs was submitted from the Region and judged by a panel of five RI senior dignitaries namely: Michael Fox, Asha Hans, Yeja Lee, Matsui Ryo and Yuenwah San.

The three Winners selected are:

  1. First Prize – Jiayi Zhou, China
  2. Second Prize – SLB Santi Rama, Indonesia
  3. Third Prize – IIUM IU Maktum Club, Malaysia

The three Honourable Mentions selected are:

  1. Fuhong Society of Macau, Macau
  2. PPDI Partner, Indonesia
  3. Christian Family Service Centre, Hong Kong

Prizes awarded to the three Winners are: US$1000, US$750 and US$500 respectively plus a Certificate. The three Honourable Mentions will be awarded with a Certificate.

The 22 entries will be exhibited at the China Administration of Sports for Persons with Disabilities in Beijing from May 19 – 23, 2023; and can also be viewed in the e-Publication of the Contest.

Source: https://www.riglobal.org/ri-asiapacific-region-greeting-card-poster-contest/