Dear President of Rehabilitation International ,Participants , Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear friends good afternoon,
We are closing the 2019 RI Regional Conference. But you should expect more fun and fellowship in the next two hours.
I wish to report that our Conference and professional workshops have attended by?? participants; and our exhibitions have received?? visitors. We are all very proud of these outcome statistics. We hope the impact of this Conference will take RI to new horizons of achieving rights and inclusion, and as RI prepares a world event to celebrate its Centennial Celebration, 1922-2022.
2 years ago, as Conference Chair I accepted and promised that I will try my best to accomplish the mission, because I should not say NO.
Let me tell you my friends that organizing this International Conference, plus five professional workshops, an arts exhibition, an assistive device fare, and Rotarian’s House of Friendship Display, has been exceptionally demanding in every aspect.
I hope you did enjoy the nice venue, the programs of the conference, the food and entertainment at the gala dinner, our hospitality and souvenirs. These are all fruits of the Macau Fu Hóng Society staff and committee. I hope we have not disappointed you. Please accommodate us for any inconvenience you might have encountered.
First of all, this major event would not have been successful without your active participation. Thank you to you all. It is not for me to judge how successful the Conference is, but it is up to you.
Special thanks go to volunteers from Macao. They have been working very hard, doing long over time in the past months. They have indeed been wonderful in helping the conference to run smoothly.
Special thanks to Rotarian Elvo Sou and Rotarian Vicky Woo for their organizing and mobilizing Rotary Clubs to share their projects in the Joint Plenary, whose theme is: Together a journey of hundred years, holding hands in supporting people with disabilities; One belt one Road, Venturing into a new century of global development in rights based disability inclusiveness.
I wish to thank Macau SAR Government, and governmental partners, including: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau , Higher Education Bureau , Social Welfare Bureau , for the caring and the great support and guidance on the New Generation and sparing time to support and advises.
Last but not the least I want to recognize in particular my colleagues from Hong Kong, Joseph Kwok and Ng Hang Sau, for their involvement, dedication and care. We are the iron team.
To my fantastic organizing committee, my sincere thanks, thanks for your tremendous support. I wish I knew how to express what we have gone through these past months; my feeling of the support and the pleasure of working with a team of wonderful people, who have taught me, through their sincerity and generosity, things I will always treasure forever as the best spirit of any Committee.
A big applause to the Organizing Committee who contribute tremendous efforts to the conference.
I want to share my feelings toward this meaningful event, I am very happy to be here with you all. We establish base on what is important and respect things more dear to us. We live a day each time knowing that we may live every day of our lives.
I do not give up when I am capable to do more. I am not afraid of learning because the learning is light and is a treasure that is easily loaded.
Life is not a run but a trip that should enjoy each pass.
Let us take responsibility for disability cause and get involved in the process of change. And remember change will not happen without our participation.
Ladies and gentleman, my friends Now each of us is sure the conference comes to the end. I hope you are returning to your homes with good memories, the feelings of good hospitality, and
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is mystery
Today is a gift so is called present.
Thank you.