A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022


2019年6月26日-28日 (星期三至星期五) 中国澳门



About RIWC 2021

The Rehabilitation International World Congress 2021 will be a strong inspiration for all participants: to meet with global colleagues from your own profession, society, NGOs, and with up front representatives from rehab specialists.

The congress in Aarhus invites all stakeholders to share specialized themes like neurorehabilitation, primary health and rehab, employment initiatives, physical training, and community integration.

You will meet old friends and new peers, and we are sure you will be surprised by some of the latest rehabilitation perspectives which has not yet crossed your mind.

The vision of RIWC 2021 is Moving Societies. The prime goal of rehabilitation is the improvement of individual, human lives.

Every human life is constantly dependent on the specific context. Other people, the environment, the communities and societies are influencing rehabilitation outcomes.

Societies all over the world strive to find their ways of improving human resources. Societies are moving.

Individuals with health-related problems, disabilities or impairments cannot be limited to play the role of receiving rehabilitation services. Every individual is also the active subject of adding value in any given context as a rehabilitation outcome. Every individual is to be counted in. Societies are moved by rehabilitation.

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The vision of RIWC 2021 is to be a global platform, motor and stepping stone for rehabilitation to continue moving societies.

Let’s meet in Denmark to strengthen the links between living with the need of rehabilitation support, and making a professional living from rehabilitation in any society and context.


About RIWC 2021