A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022


2019年6月26日-28日 (星期三至星期五) 中国澳门




Day 1 (26 June 2019. Wednesday) 第一天 (2019年6月26日,星期三)









Opening Short Video


Mr. Sai On CHUI, Chief Executive, Macao Special Administrative Region Government and 

Ms. Haidi ZHANG, President, Rehabilitation International and Chairman, China Disabled Persons’ Federation 


Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with the guests


Opening Speeches


(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Ms. Maria de Fátima Salvador DOS SANTOS FERREIRA, Chairperson, Conference Organizing Committee and the President of General Assembly of Fuhong Society of Macau
    飛迪華女士  康復國際亞太區會議2019籌備委員會主席及澳門扶康會會員大會主席
  • Mr. Alexis Chon-weng TAM, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macau Special Administrative Region
    譚俊榮先生  澳門特別行政區政府社會文化司司長
  • Ms. Ye-ja LEE, Vice President, Asia Pacific, Rehabilitation International
    Ms. Ye-ja LEE, 康復國際亞太區副主席
  • Congratulatory Statement of Regional Director, Dr. Takeshi KASAI, to be delivered by Mr. Darryl BARRETT, Technical Lead for Disability and Rehabilitation at the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
    由 Mr. Darryl BARRETT, 世界衛生組織西太平洋區辦事處殘疾和康復技術負責人代表宣讀世界衛生組織西太平洋區域主任Dr. Takeshi KASAI 的賀辭

Opening Keynote Speeches


(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Ms. Haidi ZHANG, President, Rehabilitation International and Chairman, China Disabled Persons’ Federation
    張海迪女士  康復國際主席及中國殘疾人聯合會主席
  • Mr. Kaveh ZAHEDI, Deputy Executive Secretary for Sustainable Development of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
    Mr. Kaveh ZAHEDI, 聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會東亞和東北亞辦事處副執行秘書
  • Mr. Lijun SUN, Alibaba Group Partner, Chairman of the Alibaba Foundation, Executive Secretary General, Alibaba Poverty Relief Fund
    孫利軍 先生,阿里巴巴公益基金會理事長

    L3 Ballroom J-L



Coffee Break


L1 Foyer

L3 BR Foyer



Plenary Panel 1A: From CRPD, Incheon Strategy, and UN SDGs: Impacts on the People with Disabilities and their Families in the Asia and Pacific Region


(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Ms. Celeste Yim Mui VONG, Director of Social Welfare Bureau, Macau Special Administrative Region Government (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Monthian BUNTAN, Senator and Member of the United Nations Expert Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Akiie NINOMIYA, Advisor of Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD) Executive Director, Member of APCD Foundation (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Michael FOX, Chair, Rights & Inclusion Australia and Former President of the Rehabilitation International (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Prof. Ryosuke MATSUI, Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Joseph Kwok Kin Fun
    L3 Ballroom J-L

Plenary Panel 1B: Inclusive School and University Education

專題小組1B: 融合學校及大學教育

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Dr. Ana Maria Pires Correia, Dean, School of Education, University of Saint Joseph, Macau (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Prof. Kenneth SIN, Director of the Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education, Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Kuniomi SHIBATA, Associate Professor and Director, Inclusive Education Support Division, Graduate School of International and Cultural Studies Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tsuda University (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Professor Chris FORLIN, International Inclusive Education Consultant, Australia
  • Ms. Vai Kei LEONG, Deputy Director of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macau Special Administrative Region Government (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Eria Ping-ying LI & Kenneth SIN
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

Plenary Panel 1C: Women with Disabilities

專題小組1C: 殘疾婦女

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Ms. Ye-ja LEE, Vice President, Asia-Pacific, Rehabilitation International (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Kit-cheng WONG, Member of the Legislative Council of Macau and Deputy Managing Director of The Women’s General Association of Macau (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Anne HAWKER, Principal Disability Adviser at Ministry of Social Development, New Zealand and Past President, Rehabilitation International Global (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Saowalak THONGKUAY, Founder, President and Executive Director of the Association of Women with Disabilities, Thailand (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Carmen Ka-man YAU, Chairperson, Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Zhanxin TANG, Chairperson, Beijing Novel Inception Foundation
    Moderators: Chikako KOHYAMA & Rabi YIM
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)





L3 Ballroom ABDE

Working lunch of WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation 




Plenary Panel 2A: Long Term Comprehensive Rehabilitation Planning


(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Prof. Il-yung LEE, Vice President, Korean Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, and former RI Vice President for Asia Pacific (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Thi Van DUONG, Chairperson, DP Hanoi, Director of Inclusive Consultation Centre (ICC – DP Hanoi) and Vice President, Vietnam Federation on Disability (VFD) (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Puay-tiak LIM, Chairman, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Disability Forum, Singapore (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Darryl BARRETT, Technical Lead for Disability and Rehabilitation at the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Philip Chi Choi YUEN & Chun-chuen KUO
    L3 Ballroom J-L

Plenary Panel 2B: Jointly hosted by Rotary International District 3450 and RI Centennial Committee (Theme: Together a journey of hundred years, holding hands in supporting people with disabilities; One belt and Road, venturing into a new century of global development in rights-based disability inclusiveness)

專題小組 2B: 扶輪社區3450和康復國際百年委員會共同主辦

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Ms. Susan PARKER, Hon Treasurer, Rehabilitation International (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Liang YOU, President, United Nations Expert Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Director, China Disabled Persons Federation
  • Ms. Lolita GELLE, Executive Director, Foundation for These Abled Persons, Inc., Philippines (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Invited Speakers from Rotary International
    Moderators: Yu Cheung HO, Elvo SOU & Vicky WOO
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

Plenary Panel 2C: Disability-Inclusive Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Low Cost Appropriate Devices; Impact on Social Business and Employment

專題小組2C: 包容殘疾的技術: 人工智能,機械人技術,低成本的輔助設備,對社會企業和就業的影響

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Mr. Yong LIU, General Manager and Deputy Managing Director, Canyou (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Fred SHEU, National Technology Officer, Microsoft (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Eric W.C. TAM, Associate Dean of Students, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Director of Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Jongbae KIM, Associate Professor of Department of Occupational Therapy and the Director of YESTEC, Yonsei University (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Ricky CHEUNG, Asia Pacific Lead for EnableIn
  • Mr. François Perl, Director General, National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance, Belgium  (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Jackie KWAN
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)



Coffee Break


L1 Foyer



Breakout sessions A: 


(A1) Vocational Training, Work and Employment, Social Enterprise, and Income Generating Strategies (I) (to be conducted in English)
職業培訓、工作、就業、社會企業及創收策略 (I) (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Howard Ho-wan LING & Hoi-Wah MAK
L1 Meeting Rooms (2405-2406)

(A2) Community Based Rehabilitation and Community Support Services (I) (to be conducted in English)
社區復康和社區支援服務 (I) (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Saowalak THONGKUAY & Marian Mei Yuk CHEUNG NGAI
L1 Meeting Rooms (2505-2506)

(A3) Early Assessment and Training for Children with Disabilities (I) (to be conducted in Mandarin)(iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
早期療育的評估和培訓 (I) (將以國語進行) (科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕) 

Moderators: Cecilia Siu Ling WONG LAM & Shu-fen WU
L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

(A4) Long Term Comprehensive Policy and Programme Planning (to be conducted in Mandarin)
長遠和全面的政策規劃和程序設計 (將以國語進行)

Moderator: Philip Chi Hoi YUEN
L1 Meeting Rooms (2603-2604)

(A5) Community Based Rehabilitation and Community Support Services (II) (to be conducted in English)
社區復康和社區支援服務 (II) (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Guderian Kai Yin LEUNG & Coco HUANG
L1 Meeting Rooms (2703-2704)

(A6) Mental Health and Psychiatric Rehabilitation (I) (to be conducted in Mandarin) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
心理健康和精神康復 (I) (將以國語進行) (科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

Moderators: Ning TANG & Ho-Kueng KWONG
L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)

(A7) Gender and Disabilities – the Asia and Pacific Women with Disability  (to be conducted in English)
殘疾與性別 – 亞太地區殘疾婦女 (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Polly YEUNG & Anne HAWKER
L1 Meeting Rooms (2605-2606)

(A8) Ageing and Disability; People with Dementia (to be conducted in English)
老齡化和殘疾; 認知障礙症(失智症)患者 (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Jacky Chong Kin HO & Jenny HUI LO Man Chun
L1 Meeting Rooms (2705-2706)

(A9) WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (I) (to be conducted mainly in Mandarin) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
世界衛生組織國際健康功能與身心障礙分類 (I) (主要以國語進行) (科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

Moderators: Dong-feng HUANG & Mandy Shuk Yin LAU
L3 Ballroom J-L



Gala Dinner (By invitation or by advance registration)
歡迎晚宴 (只限邀請或預先報名)

L1 Florence Ballroom

Day 2 (27 June 2019) 第二天 (2019年6月27日,星期四)



Plenary Panel 3A: Vocational Training, Work and Employment, Social Enterprise, and Income Generating Strategies


(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Mr. Akira TERASHIMA, Senior Advisor, Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD) (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Howard Ho-wan LING, Chief Consultant, Social Enterprise Business Centre, Hong Kong (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Friedrich MEHRHOFF, Chair of the RI Work and Employment Commission, Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), German Social Accident Insurance (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Kyongtaik BYEON, Chairperson, Asia and Pacific Disability Forum (APDF) (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Sarah ALBERT, CSER Flex Zhuhai, Mech China (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Simon Pak Ho LI

    L3 Ballroom J-L

Plenary Panel 3B: Sharing of Parents of Children with Disability: Advocacy and Services; and Regional Collaboration Initiatives

專題小組3B:殘疾兒童的父母分享: 提倡與服務; 以及區域合作新措施

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Mr. Cheng-Liang CHEN, Chairperson, Parents’ Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, Taiwan (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Datuk Dr Amar Singh HSS, Adviser, National Early Childhood Intervention Council (NECIC), Malaysia (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Masumi UMENO, Director, Japan Parents Association of Children with Learning Disabilities (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Jessica Rong DAI, President, Inclusion-China and President, Guangzhou Yang Ai Special Children Parent Club (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Ruby Sio-ha LOU, Director, Association of Parents of the People with Intellectual Disabilities of Macau (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Jongsul YOUN, Chair, Korean Parents’ Network for People with Disabilities (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mrs. Goretti CHEUK, Chairman, The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Reena LEE & Etsuko UENO
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

Plenary Panel 3C: Care and Support for Persons with Autism and Families

專題小組3C: 自閉症患者及家人的照顧與支援

((Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Ms. Xiaoli CAI, Principal, Chengdu Special Education School, China (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr Eria Ping-ying LI, Consultant, Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education, The Education University of Hong Kong and Member of the Management Committee, Fuhong Society of Macau (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Yu Man HO, Speech Therapist, Agency Based Service, The Spastics Association of Hong Kong (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Minshi HUANG, Department of Child Psychology and Rehabilitation, Shenzhen Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, Affiliate of Southern Medical University (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Litna Arackal VARGHESE, Senior Speech Therapist, WQ Park Health and Rehabilitation Center (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Liang YOU, President, United Nations Expert Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Director, China Disabled Persons’ Federation
    Moderators: Yue-Qin HUANG & Cecilia Siu Ling WONG LAM
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)



Coffee Break


L1 Foyer



Plenary Panel 4A:  Mental Health, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Counselling
專題小組4A: 心理健康,精神康復及康復諮詢

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Mr. Ho-keung KWONG, the Mental Health Committee, Macau Special Administrative Region Government (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Prof. Yue-qin HUANG, Chair, Commission on Health and Function, Rehabilitation International (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Yan-ming IP, President, Fu Hong Society Hong Kong
    葉恩明醫生  香港扶康會會長
  • Mr. Ohyong KWEON, Secretary General, Korea Alliance on Mobilizing Inclusion (KAMI) (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Brian HALL, Associate Professor and Director of the Global and Community Mental Health Research Group, Department of Psychology, University of Macau (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Vitor Santos TEIXEIRA & Frankie TSUI
    L3 Ballroom J-L

Plenary Panel 4B: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
專題小組4B: 世界衛生組織國際健康功能與身心障礙分類

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Prof Chetwyn CHAN, Associate Vice President (Learning and Teaching), Chair Professor,  Rehabilitation Sciences and Director of the University Research Facility in Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience,  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Matilde LEONARDI, Chair, the Functioning and Disability Reference Group, World Health Organization (WHO) (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Prof. Akio TOKUNAGA, Special Support Education Course, School of Education, Yokohama National University (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Prof. Peter Tsan-hon LIOU, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Pamela Pui-san TSE, Chief, Comprehensive Assessment Centre for Rehabilitation Service, Social Welfare Bureau, Government of Macao Special Administrative Region (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Kit SINCLAIR
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

Plenary Panel 4C: People with Dementia
專題小組4C: 認知障礙症(失智症)患者

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Prof. Florence Iat-kio VAN, President, Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Rumiko OHTANI, Representative of Study Group for the Support of People with Dementia in Mmuta City and President, Council of Group Home for the Elderly People, NPO and  Director of Group Home “Familie”. (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Prof. Shixun GUI, School of Social Development, East China Normal University (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Benson W.K. IP, Managing Director and Founder, Eden Initiative (Hong Kong) Limited (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Peter Yan-lung LAU, Occupational Therapist, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Jacky Chong Kin HO, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Innovation Social Work, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Phyllis CHAU & Jacky Chong Kin HO
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)



Lunch Events


L3 Ballroom ABDE

12:30 – 13:30

  • Sharing of RI Senior Leadership from the Region
  • A Round Table Sharing among of RI AP Senior Leaders
  • Citations will be presented to selected senior leaders of RI AP to acknowledge their contributions: To be presented by ZHANG Hai-di
    Moderators: Jennifer Wai I CHAU & Joseph KWAN
    L3 Ballroom ABDF

13:30 – 14:00

  • Signing of the Memorandum of Collaboration of Partnership of Parents Networks from Macau, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, China Mainland Taiwan, and other countries
    Moderators: Lai Shing LAM & Shik Man NG
    L3 Ballroom J-L



Breakout sessions B: 8 sessions with 8 subthemes

(B1) Family Care Homes / To Embody Social Inclusion in Group Home (to be conducted mainly in Mandarin) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
家庭護理院 / 在集體住宅中體現社會包容 (主要以國語進行) (科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

Moderator: David Tai Wai LEUNG
L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)

(B2) Community Based Rehabilitation and Community Support Services (III) (to be conducted in English)
社區復康和社區支援服務 (III) (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Mary Lai Yee CHEUNG & Lolita GELLE
L1 Meeting Rooms (2405-2406)

(B3) Accessibility in Built Environment, Transport and Information Communication Technology  (to be conducted in Mandarin)
無障礙環境, 交通的構建及信息通訊技術 (將以國語進行)

Moderators: Angela TSOI & Peter Yuan GUI
L1 Meeting Rooms (2505-2506)

(B4) Vocational Training, Work and Employment, Social Enterprise, and Income Generating Strategies (II) (to be conducted in Mandarin)
職業培訓、工作、就業、社會企業及創收策略 (II) (將以國語進行)

Moderator: Silvia Yun Wan MAK
L1 Meeting Rooms (2603-2604)

(B5) Early Assessment and Training for children with disabilities (II) (to be conducted mainly in Mandarin)
早期療育的評估和培訓 (II) (主要以國語進行)

Moderator: Steven Lei XU
L3 Ballroom J-L

(B6) Mental Health and Psychiatric Rehabilitation (II) (to be conducted in English)
心理健康和精神康復 (II) (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Brian HALL & Jenny Man-chun HUI LO
L1 Meeting Rooms (2703-2704)

(B7) Accessibility in Built Environment, Transport and Information Communication Technology (to be conducted in English) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
無障礙環境, 交通的構建及信息通訊技術 (將以英語進行)(科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

Moderator: Anchor HUNG
L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

(B8) Inclusive school and Post-secondary Education (I) (to be conducted in English)
融合學校和專上教育 (I) (將以英語進行)

Moderator: Stephen MA
L1 Meeting Rooms (2605-2606)

(B9) Ageing and disability; People with dementia (to be conducted in Mandarin)
老齡化和殘疾; 認知障礙症(失智症)患者 (將以國語進行)

Moderator: Philip Yeung Fai SIU
L1 Meeting Rooms (2705-2706)



Coffee Break

L1 Foyer



Breakout sessions C, 8 sessions with 9 subthemes

(C1) Parents’ movement & Family Care Homes/ Family Participation in Community Education and Advocacy (to be conducted both in English and Mandarin) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
家長運動及、家庭護理院 (護理之家) / 家屬參與的社區教育和倡導工作 (將以英文及國語進行)(科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

Moderator: Steve Fu Fai FONG
L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

(C2) Community Based Rehabilitation and Community Support Services (IV) (to be conducted in Mandarin)
社區復康和社區支援服務 (IV) (將以國語進行)

Moderators: Philip Yeung Fai SIU & Phyllis King Shui WONG
L1 Meeting Rooms (2405-2406)

(C3) Early Assessment and Training for children with disabilities (III) (to be conducted in Mandarin)
早期療育的評估和培訓 (III) (將以國語進行)

Moderators: Choi Lo CHAN & Benson IP
L1 Meeting Rooms (2505-2506)

(C4) Inclusive school and Post-secondary Education (II) (to be conducted both in English and Mandarin) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
融合學校和專上教育 (II) (將以英文及國語進行)(科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

Moderators: Eria Ping-ying LI & Kit SINCLAIR
L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)

(C5) WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (II) (to be conducted in Mandarin)
世界衛生組織國際健康功能與身心障礙分類 (II) (將以國語進行)

Moderators: Tie-bin YAN & Sheila PURVES
L1 Meeting Rooms (2603-2604)

(C6) Vocational Training, Work and Employment, Social Enterprise, and Income Generating Strategies (III) (to be conducted in Mandarin)
職業培訓、工作、就業、社會企業及創收策略 (III) (將以國語進行)

Moderators: Howard Ho-wan LING & Silvia Yun Wan MAK
L1 Meeting Rooms (2703-2704)

(C7) Disability- inclusive, policy, programming and research (to be conducted in Mandarin)
以兼顧殘疾人為本的政策、規劃及硏究 (將以國語進行)

Moderator: Guderian Kai Yin LEUNG
L1 Meeting Rooms (2605-2606)

(C8) Disability- inclusive, policy, programming and research (to be conducted in English)
以兼顧殘疾人為本的政策、規劃及硏究 (將以英語進行)

Moderators: Coco HUANG & Etusko UENO
L1 Meeting Rooms (2705-2706)



Macau Entertainment (Subject to availability of sponsors)

DAY 3 (28 June 2019) 第三天 (2019年6月28日,星期五)



Registration in Advance

A.  Study tours cum satellite sessions

B. Workshop on Fire Safety, Emergency Evacuation, etc. for Person with Disabilities conducted by Mr. C.J. WALSH and Mr. Joseph KWAN (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)
Moderator: Sammy Kin Hang YEE
L1 Meeting Rooms (Sicily 2401-2402 +2501-2502)

C. Workshop on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) conducted by Dr. Matilde LEONARDI (to be co-hosted by the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)
Moderator: Anchor Tak Fung HUNG
L1 Meeting Rooms (Sicily 2403-2404 +2503-2504)

D. Workshop on Inclusive Education conducted by Professor Chris FORLIN and Professor Kenneth SIN (to be co-hosted with the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macau Special Administrative Region Government) (iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)
Moderator: Jacky Chong Kin HO
L1 Meeting Rooms (Naples 2605-2606 + 2705-2706)



Macau Statement Drafting Committee meeting





L3 Ballroom ABDE



Plenary 5A: Accessibility and Universal Design for All
專題小組5A: 無障礙及通用設計

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Mr. Wai HON, Deputy Director, Social Welfare Bureau, Macao Special Administrative Region Government (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Aiko AKIYAMA, Social Affairs Officer, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Section Social Development Division United Nations ESCAP (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Mario HARDY, Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
  • Ms. Shu-Fen WU, Director General, International Development Division, Eden Social Welfare Foundation (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. C.J WALSH, Architect in Dublin and Ireland, an Expert on Fire Safety for People with Disabilities (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Yi Sha HOU, Chairman of Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Joseph KWAN & Joy Tin-tin CHOI
    L3 Ballroom J-L

Plenary 5B: Accessible IT and Technology Innovation and Support for Employment
專題小組5B: 無障礙技術及創新與就業支援

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Prof. T.H. TSE, Honorary Professor in Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong. (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Mr. Dipendra MANOCHA, Director, Developing Countries Programme and Lead of Training and Tech Support with the DAISY Consortium (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Prof. Masakazu SUZUKI, Emeritus Professor, National Kyushu University, and Chairman, NPO Sciaccess Accessibility Net (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Naziaty YAACOB, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Howard Ho-wan LING & Tie-bin YAN
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2401-2402 +2501-2502)

Plenary Panel 5C: Disability-Inclusive and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

(Simultaneous Interpretation & iFLYTEK – Simultaneous rapporteur service, in English and Chinese subtitle)
(同步傳譯 及 科大訊飛 – 文字傳譯服務, 中英文字幕)

  • Dr. Yuk Wa TANG, Head, Department of Family and Community Services, Social Welfare Bureau, Macau Special Administrative Region Government (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Yayoi KITAMURA, Chief Researcher on Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (NRCD) at Tokoyozawa (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Pradytia PERTIWI , PhD candidate, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Ms. Penafrancia (Penny) CHING, Head, Disaster Risk Reduction Subcommittee, Philippine Association of Occupational Therapists (PAOT-DRR) (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Nantanoot SUWANNAWUT, Academic officer, Special Education Bureau, Office of the Basic Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand (PDF Download1 Download2)
  • Dr. Tak-lun POON, Chief of Rehabilitation Department, The University of Hong Kong- Shenzhen Hospital (PDF Download1 Download2)
    Moderators: Kit SINCLAIR & HUANG Dongfeng
    L1 Meeting Rooms (2403-2404 +2503-2504)



Closing Ceremony + Lucky Draw + Tea Buffet (Complimentary for all delegates)
閉幕儀式,幸運大抽獎 及 下午茶自助餐

L3 Ballroom J-L