A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau
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李百灝 先生
Mr. LI Pak-Ho Simon

Chairman, Management Committee, Fuhong Society of Macau

李百灝太平紳士是香港政府榮休高級公務員,曾獲頒發員佐勳章。 1977年,李先生與方叔華神父等熱心人士攜手創辦非牟利康復服務機構「扶康會」,致力為嚴重智障成人提供適切服務及推動社會和諧共融。李先生熱誠服務殘疾人士逾半個世紀,尤其對香港及澳門特別行政區的康復服務作出了非常重要的貢獻。

The list is in alphabetical order.

陳智軒 教授
Prof. CHAN Che-Hin, Chetwyn

Associate Vice President (Learning and Teaching) and Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences, Director of the University Research Facility in Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Professor Chetwyn Chan is Associate Vice President (Learning and Teaching), Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Director of the University Research Facility in Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences from 2005 to 2010, and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences from 2008 to 2011. In 2005, he was a visiting scholar in the Department of Psychology, Harvard University. Professor Chan has been an elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association since 2008 and Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society since 2007. He is Associate Editor of two international journals, one of which is a leading journal in occupational rehabilitation. In 2008, in recognition of his contributions to psychology and rehabilitation sciences, Professor Chan received the Global Leadership in Rehabilitation Science Award from Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States. In 2011, he received the Alumni Honour Award from the University of Alberta in recognition of his influence on research and education development in rehabilitation in Asia.

Professor Chan is a Council Member of The Education University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, and member of the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee. He is the Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. He is also the Honorary Advisor to the Council of SAHK (formerly “The Spastics Association of Hong Kong”), and member of the Hospital Government Committees of Princess Margaret Hospital and Kwai Chung Hospital, and Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning appointed by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and member of the School Allocation Committee of Education Bureau, and member of Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education of Education Bureau and member of the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme Vetting Committee of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau.

曾子雅 博士
Prof. CHANG Sio-Nga, Kay

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)

Academic qualifications
Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology- California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
M.A. in Clinical Psychology – California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
B.A. Double major: Anthropology and Psychology – University of Hawaii, Manoa, Hawaii, USA

Teaching areas
Clinical Psychology
Cross-cultural Psychology 

Professional affiliations
California Licensed Clinical Psychologist, California, USA
American Psychological Association (APA) pre-doctoral psychological internship – Central California Psychological Consortium, Fresno, California, USA
International Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor (ICADC)
Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC), Hawaii, USA
Hong Kong Psychological Society
Macau Government Registered Medical Providers 

Research Areas
Trauma, creativity, assessment, positive psychology, program evaluation, Indigenous Psychology and Constructivism

Research Projects Collaboration
External Research Grant Projects:
2008 – Present Co-investigator
Gambling Activity Participation Among Casino Employees博彩從業員參與博彩活動研究. A joint project with GamingManagementCenter(Universityof Macau, FBA) and Social Welfare Department of Macau Government. Principle Investigator: Dr. Fong, Ka Chio, Davis.
2006 – 2007 Collaborator for Macau
Gelotophobia: A Multi-National Study of 30 Countries funded by Universityof Zurich. Principle Investigator: Prof. Dr. Willibald Ruch.
2005 – 2007 Co-investigator
Contributing Factors of Youth Problem Gambling青年問題賭博之形成研究. A joint project with GamingManage

張栢菱 女士
Ms. CHEONG Pak-Leng, Joe

Minister, Department of International Affairs, Nurses Association of Macau

Academic Qualifications
Master of Nursing, University of Wollongong, Australia
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
Professional Qualifications
Registered Nurse (Macau)
European Resuscitation Council BLS Instructor
Research Interests
Nurses Human Resource
Nursing Education

張麗儀 女士
Ms. CHEUNG Lai-Yee, Mary

Visiting Instructor, Macao Polytechnic Institute

社會服務 : 澳門扶康會創會會員,歷屆理事會成員。
工作經驗 :
2007年至現職: 澳門理工學院 公共行政學系兼職講師,曾教授科目包括 : 心理學導論,社會學導論;社會心理學;公共行政學導論;哲學導論;比較公共行政學;質量管理;人際關係;倫理學,中國歷史與文化 等
2004-2007 : 澳門社工學院 社會工作系講師,曾教授科目包括 : 心理學導論;社會問題;社會科學研究方法 等。
1996-2003 : 香港太古城物業管理有限公司 居民聯絡經理 主要工作 : 處理及跟進居民(約壹萬三千住戶)投訴,聯絡居民組織業主會,管理太古城內一切康樂設施,籌劃居民康樂活動 等。 獲獎項 : 商界顯關懷獎;居民感謝獎;社會責任獎提名。
1992-1996 : 澳門大學 社會及人文學系全職講師 曾教授科目包括: 人力資源管理;辦公室行政;行政理論;組織行為;公共政策;公共行政學導論;社會科學研究方法。
1989-1991 : 香港通利音樂基金會 行政經理 主要工作: 通利琴行豁下六間音樂學校校長,負責管理校務及一切音樂推廣活動。

Mr. Friedrich MEHRHOFF

Deutsche Vereinigung fur Rehabilitation (DGUV), Germany

Dr. jur. Friedrich Mehrhoff as a lawyer act as director of strategic rehabilitation issues in the German Federation of Insurers against Work Accidents (DGUV) in Berlin (Germany) until October 2018 (retirement). Many stakeholders still ask for his recommendations nationally and internationally in return to work strategies. He chaired the group who prepared the ISSA-Guidelines (Geneva) on return to work and he acted as father of the Disability Management in Germany and increased this program as an economic and social investment worldwide. He is member of the Executive Board of Rehabilitation International (RI) and chairs the Commission on Work and Employment in this World Organization (New York). He is looking for strategic partners worldwide to find efficient strategies for employing persons with disabilities in an inlusive labour market. Recently he started a study on behalf of the German Labour Ministry for identifying good examples of barrier-free private enterprises all over the world. 

何鍾建 教授
Prof. Jacky HO

Head of Department of Innovative Social Work, City University of Macau
Director of Macau Healthy Lifestyle Research Centre

何鍾建副教授在澳洲悉尼大學醫學與健康學院取得健康科學博士學位,在澳門城市大學成立了創新社會工作系和澳門健康生活研究中心,現任系主任及中心主任。曾擔任多項關注公共衞生及健康發展的研究項目主持人。獲頒國際金匙榮譽學會傑出青年學者。研究領域包括「兒童健康及發展」、「老齡化與健康」、「高血壓和心腦血管疾病」、「慢性疾病預防與管理」、「失智症與社會支援」、「體力活動」、「睡眠生理與病理」以及「職業健康和風險」等。他目前的研究重點是在澳門和大灣地區建立以社區為基礎的遠程醫療和慢性病管理模式。曾於國際期刊上發表文章,包括“美國高血壓雜誌”,“亞太公共衛生雜誌”,“睡眠研究雜誌”,“婦女健康雜誌”,“類固醇生物化學和分子生物學”, 公共衛生營養學雜誌。多次受邀到國際會議及研討會上發言, 目前還擔任澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局社會工作者註冊制度草擬委員會委員、澳門社會工作人員協進會顧問、澳門高血壓聯盟首席研究顧問、澳門共晴軒社會服務首席顧問、澳門失智症協會理事、澳門雄詠體育會副理事長。

何嘉莉 教授
Prof. HO Ka-Lee, Carrie

School of Education, University of Saint Joseph

Carrie is an Assistant Professor of University of Saint Joseph major in Arts, Creativity, and Early Childhood Education. She has more than 30 years of experience in Performing Arts productions and has 10 years of experience in supporting SEN children and their family as a Licensed Therapist. She is also appointed as a Drama Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC) and a Subject Specialist (Performing Arts) of The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) since 2006. Carrie interests in cross-cultural and transdisciplinary arts-based research on aesthetics, education, spirituality, SEN supports, applied theatre and research theater with lens of postmodernism.

黃東鋒 教授
Prof. HUANG Dong-Feng

Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation

黃東鋒 教授、主任醫師,博士生導師。現任世界衛生組織康復合作中心主任(Head, WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation)、中山大學附屬第一醫院物理醫學康復醫學教研室主任,中山醫學院康復治療學系主任、新華學院康復醫學系主任。還任廣東中大新華人文與健康科學研究院院長;廣東省康復醫學與臨床轉化工程技術研究中心主任。
美國紐約大學Rusk康復醫學研究所高級研究學者(2010.03. ~ 2011.03.)。
現任國際物理醫學與康復醫學會國際交流委員會亞澳區主任(Director,Continent of Asia-Australia of International Exchange Committee,ISPRM);中國康復醫學會第六屆常務理事兼副秘書長、康復醫學教育專業委員會副主任委員;中國醫師協會康復醫師分會副會長;中國醫師協會整合醫學分會整合康復醫學專業委員會第一屆主任委員;世界中醫藥學會疼痛康復專業委員會副會長;廣東省殘疾人康復協會會長等。

Mr. Khaled El-Mohtar

President and Representative of Rehabilitation International – Arab Region

Enjoying Lebanese Republic National Award granted by Lebanese President, 2004.
Acting as the Honorary Consul of Cyprus in Lebanon between 1987- 1992.
Volunteer, entirely dedicated for Humanitarian, Social and Development activities since 1993.
Representative of Lebanese Minister of Social Affairs in the National commission for Disability.
Founding member and Chairman of the National Rehabilitation and Development Center, 1980-2016.
Rehabilitation International Deputy Vice President (2000-2005) and Vice- President for the Arab Region (2006-2013)
Founding member and President of the Rehabilitation International-Arab Region Organization (RIAR).
Founding member and Deputy General Coordinator of Lebanese Voluntary NGO’s.
Vice President of Lebanese Union of Health Mutual Funds.
RI- Foundation Board Member.
Chairman of RI- Social Commission
Member of Lebanese Economic and Social Council, and Raporteur of the the Development and Human Rights Committee.

江耀華 博士
Prof. KONG Yiu-Wah, Chris

The Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at City University of Hong Kong

Dr. Kong has been developing his own expertise on youth work with special emphasis on working with young people and offenders. He is one of the pioneers to advocate “Restorative Practices” as a form of “Family Group Conference” to combat the upsurge of bullying incidents in Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland China by ways of direct conferencing practice and research. From 2015-2010, he had been the consultant of Macau SAR Social Work Bureau on service quality improvement, especially for rehabilitation and elderly hostel services. Before joining the territory education sector, he is an experienced social work supervisor, specialized in organizing and supervising youth counseling services for less motivated clients for eighteen years. His research experiences covered the effectiveness study on harm reduction propaganda, peer counseling on smoking prevention, non-governmental organization quality audit and restorative practices in Hong Kong. His current research interests include program evaluation, social service performance and quality enhancement, and validating psychometric properties of personality measurement for Chinese People.

林朗為 教授
Prof. LAM Long-Wai

Professor of Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Macau

林朗為教授現為澳門大學工商管理學院管理系教授和管理及市場學系系主任。林教授於香港中文大學畢業後 ,赴美國取得密西根州立大學工商管理碩士以及俄立岡州大學管理學博士學位。他曾為澳門威尼斯人、澳門美高梅 、澳門美國商會、澳門電信管理局、高等教育輔助辦公室、 和香港中旅集團等提供高管培訓課程、諮詢服務及演講。林教授亦曾接受南華早報、澳廣視、澳門商業日報和澳門論壇日報等媒體邀請發表他對澳門勞動市場、旅遊業及奢侈品消費的看法。 他也曾經擔任『亞洲博彩 卓越管理』培訓課程 2014及澳門扶康會海峽兩岸暨港澳地區社會企業創新論壇二○一七 的討論會主持人。林教授目前從事的研究領域包括:顧客不文明行為、領導力和前線員工的組織認同。他曾經發表過文章的學術期刊包括《Journal of Applied Psychology》、 Journal of Management》、和《Human Relations》等。

劉鈺馨 博士
Dr. Oliveros LAO, Jenny

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Administration and Leadership, University of Saint Joseph

Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips is the Dean of the School of Business and Law at the University of Saint Joseph. Prior to her current position, Prof. Phillips held the positions of Registrar and Head of Public Relations Office, on top of her Academic career at USJ since 2008. Prof. Phillips holds a PhD in Business Administration, an MBA in Management, and an MA in English Literature. She is now a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Human Science at the Catholic University of Portugal (Católica Lisbon) working on a research project bridging cognitive science in empathy and literature studies in catharsis focusing on the tragic theatre. Prof. Phillips has taught a wide range of courses including: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Global Strategy, Creative Writing, and Literature. Her research interests include family business management, social entrepreneurship, organizational behavior and innovation, empathy and catharsis in tragedy and the modern theatre. And she writes a bi-weekly column Made in Macao on Macao’s culture and tradition for the local English Newspaper Macau Daily Times.

梁啟賢 先生
Mr. LEUNG Kai-Yin

Lecturer, Macao Polytechnic Institute’s Social Work programme


李萍英 博士
Dr. LI Ping-Ying, Eria

Senior Academic Consultant, Graduate School, The Education University of Hong Kong

香港大學博士學位; 美國職業治療碩士學位 ; 香港註冊職業治療師;1985年開始從事發展障礙人士的復康及社會共融工作:包括臨床執業、服務管理及發展、大學教學、博士論文指導、科研、學術著作及顧問服務。有關發展障礙的科研論文,分別刊登於香港及海外的學術期刊。現為香港教育大學特殊學習需要與融合教育中心顧問,也是香港自閉症聯盟 (Autism Hong Kong) 顧問。此外,也參與國內、澳門及柬埔寨的復康服務發展、融合教育的推動工作及顧問服務。目前是香港自閉症復康及教育的專家顧問。

凌浩雲 先生
Mr. LING Ho-Wan, Howard

Chief Consultant, Social Enterprise Business Centre

Howard Ling is the Chief Consultant of Social Enterprise Business Centre. He founded several social enterprises such as Harvester, Happy Veggies, Bijas, Ateen, Goodnuts, Happy Ours, tfvsjs, Angelchild, and Jajambao food truck (more details at linghoward.com). These social businesses employ different underprivileged groups according to their strengths not weaknesses. Howard has helped many non-profit organizations to set up more than 30 social enterprises, which employ over hundreds of the disabled people, including those of visual and hearing impairments, physical handicaps, and autism. He was awarded the Medal of Honour (MH) in 2017 and the Hong Kong Humanity Award for his dedicated public and community service, particularly his contributions to the development of social enterprises. Howard Ling holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Illinois, a Master degree in Business Administration from the The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and graduated from INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship programme.
Home Affairs Bureau (HKSAR) – Social Enterprise Advisory Committee Member (2009 to 2015)
Administrative Appeal Board – Panel Member (2015 to Present)
Social Welfare Bureau (Macau SAR) – Consultant of Social Enterprise Scheme
The Yeh Family Philanthropy – Grant Committee member
Baptist University – Adjunct Associate Professor
Lingnan University – Programme Advisor of Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative
The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Vetting Panel Member of Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund

Ms. Pauliina LAMPINEN

Executive Director of VAMLAS -Supporting Foundation for Children and Youth with Disabilities

Current position
Executive Director, VAMLAS -Supporting Foundation for Children and Youth with Disabilities, March 2012 –
The VAMLAS Foundation is one of the oldest disability organisations in Finland, founded in 1889 by a teacher, Vera Hjelt. Today the Foundation promotes equal opportunities and inclusion of children and youth with disabilities. We are 28 in total staff and we run approximately a 2 million euros budget.
We provide housing services for students with disabilities, we help families with disabled children by providing legal help and consultation in getting the right services. We focus especially in promoting inclusion in all education and transition from school to employment. We also promote inclusion in social life and hobbies by organizing summer camps, and various events to support children and youth with disabilities to take part in social activities.

SOSTE ry. Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health
Council member, 2015-
Rehabilitation International
Member of Execuive Committee and chair of policies and services commission
Rehabilitation Finland, Chair 2015-
Board member, 2012-2015
FIBS -leading non-profit corporate social responsibility network in Finland
Board member, 2013-2015
European Union of Supported Employment
Council member, 2006 – 2011 (5 years)
VALIDIA Vocational College, special education
Board member, 2013-
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, special education
Board member, 2011-2018
Kiipula Vocational College, special education
Board member, 2011-2015

貝維斯 博士
Dr. Sheila PURVES

Senior Consultant, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

Sheila Purves (贝维斯) was previously Director of International & China Division, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, (1988 – 2013), and is now their advisor, as well as taking up consulting in the disability and rehabilitation field. Previously, she was responsible for rehabilitation training projects, mainly in China, undertaken in the Society’s role as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation. She has worked with hospitals, rehabilitation centres, social and child welfare institutes, and communities throughout China.
Sheila is a Canadian citizen, with a basic degree in Rehabilitation Sciences (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy) from the University of British Columbia (1979), a Masters of Public Health in 1996 from Boston University. She is honorary advisor, professor and lecturer to many hospitals and medical universities in different parts of China and she has undertaken consulting assignments for many organizations and foundations.
In 2000, she was awarded an MBE for her work in China on the Queens’ Honour List (UK). In 2011, Sheila received a Doctor of Social Science (honoris causa) from Hong Kong Education University. In 2015, the University of British Columbia selected her for the alumniUBC Global Citizenship award and the China Association of Rehabilitation Medicine honoured her for services to development of rehabilitation in China.
Currently, Sheila is involved in various projects related to the application of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF), community rehabilitation services, continuous quality improvement of rehabilitation services, and strengthening the use of assistive technology, as well as the education of rehabilitation therapists. She is also particularly interested in the paediatric field, concerning lifelong planning for children with disabilities and prevention of secondary disabilities.

冼權鋒 教授
Prof. SIN Kuen-Fung, Kenneth

Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong


蕭楊輝 博士
Dr. SIU Yeung-Fai, Philip

Associate Professor (retired) (2017), Department of Government and Public Administration, University of Macau

威斯康辛 – 麥迪遜大學學士
澳門高等保安學校 – 澳門大學課程主任

施達明 教授
Prof. SZE Tat-Ming

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

PhD, (Educational Psychology) Michigan State University. 2002
MA, (Educational Psychology) Michigan State University. 1993
BA, (Educational Psychology & Counselling, Special Education) National Taiwan Normal University. 1988
Educational Psychology, Human Learning, Special Education, Mathematics Learning at Elementary Schools
PISA Macau Regional Report Member
PISA – PQM Member (Macau Region)
Connected Mathematics Project – Phase I
Sze, T.M., & Smith, J.P. III (1999). How do Hong Kong grade 5 students solve non-routine mathematical word problems. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Toronto, Canada.
施達明(2003).「愉快學習」再探, <<“教與學的改革和創新”教育研討會論文集>>,澳門大學.

唐寧 博士
Dr. TANG Ning

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Saint Joseph


黃敬歲 教授
Prof. WONG King-Shui, Phyllis

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

黃博士的研究興趣環繞殘疾人士的不同範疇,涵蓋生活品質、自我決策、生涯規劃、就業議題、照顧者堅韌力、殘疾人士服務質素及職員培訓等主題。她出版文章超過四十份,包括國際期刊、國際書籍、國際會議論文集、及本地文章。她亦受到多份國際期刊(社會科學引文索引,SSCI)獲邀成為評審員,這些期刊包括 Journal of Intellectual Disability Research、Research in Developmental Disabilities、Applied Research in Quality of Life、及Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development。另外,黃博士曾榮獲第8屆(2016)健康與精神健康社會工作國際會議最佳演講獎、2010年社會工作與社會發展聯合世界大會最佳摘要獎、及香港大學 Certificate of Recognition on the Achievement of Excellence in Promoting Equal Opportunities 2010。

袁志海 先生
Mr. YUEN Chi-Hoi, Philip

Director of Adminstration, Caritas Macau

Mr. Yuen graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Social Work from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1981. In 1990-1992, he served as the Supervisor of Tsuen Wan Ecumenical Social Service Centre in Hong Kong overseeing an elderly centre and five neighborhood level community development projects. In 1992-2008, he worked in the Hong Kong Council of Social Service as the Chief Rehabilitation Officer and served also as the Secretary General of the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities to develop and support its membership of 130 rehabilitation and disability organizations, to promote the well-being of persons with disabilities and to maintain close relationship with the international rehabilitation sector. From 2009 till now, Mr. Yuen has been working in Caritas Macau as the Administrative Director and the Service Director respectively to manage the overall administration of the agency’s social service facilities and to elevate the quality of its various service streams including elderly, rehabilitation, family, children & youth, and community programs.

張楠 教授
Prof. ZHANG Nan

Tenured Professor and Director, Rehabilitation Consultation Department, San Diego State University

Nan Zhang Hampton, Ph.D., C.R.C. is a Professor in the Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education (ARPE) at San Diego State University (SDSU), the USA. She teaches counseling courses in the rehabilitation counseling program and diversity and research courses in the Ed.D. program in ARPE. Her current research interests include career development, self-efficacy, and counselors’ cultural humility and outcomes of rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. She has over 100 publications and presentations in refereed rehabilitation journals, professional conferences, seminars, and workshops, and has a consistent record of service as a consultant to a variety of public school programs, higher education programs in China and the U.S.A., professional organizations, public or private community rehabilitation service agencies, and international organizations. Dr. Hampton is a recipient of the Fulbright Senior Research grant. She was awarded the Outstanding International Scholar of 2012 by Scholars without Borders at SDSU. At her leisure time, she enjoys exploring different cultures, gardening, visiting museums, and reading.
