A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau

A Workshop on Fire Safety for ALL in Buildings

A Workshop on Fire Safety for ALL in Buildings

A Workshop on Fire Safety for ALL in Buildings

Date: 28 June 2019 (Friday)
Time: 09:30- 12:30
Venue: Venetian Macao Resort Hotel

Ar. C.J. WALSH (Architect and Expert on Fire Safety for ALL)
Ar. Joseph KWAN (Architect and Expert in Universal Design & Accessibility)

Description: The above workshop provides the latest information on Fire Safety, Emergency Evacuation and Fire Protection for People with Disabilities (PwD’s).

WHAT is featured in the Programme?
The latest information on Fire Safety, Emergency Evacuation and Fire Protection for People with Disabilities (PwD’s).

CONTENT of the Workshop
Nobody Left Behind!
Full and effective Accessibility of the physical environment is a fundamental right for everybody in society.
In buildings, this dynamic concept encompasses the complete cycle of independent access, dignified use by People with Activity Limitations (2001 WHO ICF), including normal egress and fire evacuation to a remote place of safety during emergencies.
International Standard ISO 21542: ‘Building Construction – Accessibility & Usability of the Built Environment’, now in the final stages of a major revision, specifies the essential design infrastructure and user/occupant practices which facilitate Fire Safety for All.

Number of participants: 67

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