[13 MARCH 2023] Webinar on Selected Historical Landmarks from Rehabilitation International Centennial E-book

Rehabilitation International (RI) Global was established in 1922, with the current chairperson, Ms. Zhang Haidi, the chairman of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation. There are about 1,000 members in nearly 100 countries, which is a leading professional organization to promote the social inclusion and rights of disabled persons and enhance the equal opportunity of participation […]
Using a contextualized competency framework to develop rehabilitation programmes and their curricula

This guide complements both the WHO Rehabilitation Competency Framework and the guide, Adapting the WHO Rehabilitation Competency Framework to a specific context. It describes a stepwise approach to developing a rehabilitation education and training programme and curriculum that can be used to support competency-based education. The guide describes steps across five phases of developing an education programme: Planning, […]
Adapting the WHO Rehabilitation Competency Framework to a specific context

The WHO Rehabilitation Competency Framework was designed to be “adapted and adopted” to create context-specific rehabilitation competency frameworks, such as for a particular profession, setting or specialization. This guide describes a stepwise process of modelling a competency framework on the WHO Rehabilitation Competency Framework through five phases: Planning, Drafting, Review, Finalization, and Dissemination. It also provides examples […]
Rehabilitation Competency Framework

Rehabilitation Competency Framework In many countries, the rehabilitation workforce is underequipped to meet population needs due to large scale shortages across professions and specializations, and issues of quality and relevance. As the demand for rehabilitation escalates, the need to expand workforce production and strengthen regulation and quality assurance mechanisms becomes increasingly critical, especially in low-resource […]
Zhang Haidi attends RI executive committee video conference

The executive committee of Rehabilitation International (RI) held a video conference on July 28. Zhang Haidi, president of RI and chairperson of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF), presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Haidi, president of Rehabilitation International (RI) and chairperson of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF), speaks during a […]
About RIWC 2021

The Rehabilitation International World Congress 2021 will be a strong inspiration for all participants: to meet with global colleagues from your own profession, society, NGOs, and with up front representatives from rehab specialists. The congress in Aarhus invites all stakeholders to share specialized themes like neurorehabilitation, primary health and rehab, employment initiatives, physical training, and […]
RIAPRC2019 One Year Anniversary Review

26th June last year we were so honor of hosting the 《Rehabilitation International Asia and Pacific Regional Conference 2019》, let’s review the 3-days event through the video linking, although it’s all around the world now is suffering from COVID-19, we deeply believe that it will be recovered one day in the near future and it’s […]

澳門扶康會代表團一行六人遠赴莫斯科出席康復國際2019年秋季執委會及會員大會與及出席康復國際傑出貢獻獎頒獎典禮。 本會會員大會主席飛迪華與理事會主席黃濠、副主席陳才發、總幹事周惠儀、行政經理卓敏儀及寶利中心經理余展熒到訪了莫斯科,出席康復國際2019年秋季執委會及會員大會並於會議內向執委會各區代表匯報了本會於今年6月26至28日在澳門舉辦時隔十七年的《康復國際亞太區會議2019》暨《康復器材及輔具展覽》及《展能藝術展覽》,由澳門特別行政區政府及澳門基金會等支持舉辦,會議主題 : 「同心協力、構建融和、人人平等、共用發展」,飛迪華向各區代表分享了亞太區會議的內容細項、會議及展覽的成效與及會議期間達成的相關協議的可持續跟進等,本會獲得各地區代表的高度肯定及認同,而本會更向與會者分享會議衍生的無障礙網站將持續運作,可作為一個各地區對會議等內容的查閱及知識分享平台.本會作為澳門地區會員,也將積極維繫在會議期間建立的國際友誼,增進彼此互動交流,為殘疾人士引入更多創新多元服務,也向外宣揚本澳的殘疾人士等各項發展! 另外,本會代表團更出席了另一項重點活動,於莫斯科舉辦被譽為全球殘疾與康復領域的“諾貝爾獎”- 康復國際首屆傑出貢獻獎頒獎典禮。康復國際主席、康復國際傑出貢獻獎評獎委員會主席張海迪希望獲獎者未來在各自的領域發揮榜樣作用,並借助他們的影響匯聚更大的力量,為更多的殘疾人帶來福祉。

本會會員大會主席飛迪華女士攜同本會理事會主席黃濠先生、副主席陳才發先生、總幹事周惠儀女士及行政經理卓敏儀女士出席由澳門會議展覽業協會主辦的“澳門會展嘉許獎2019”頒獎典禮。本會亦有幸於是次嘉許獎中憑“康復國際亞太區會議2019”獲選會議競投獎,會員大會主席飛迪華女士更上台領獎及演講。感謝澳門會議展覽業協會舉辦是次活動,讓各行各業能有一個分享、交流及合作的平台。同時,肯定及嘉許澳門具實力、有潛力的會展項目,鼓勵澳門會展業界朝“國際化、專業化、品牌化”方向發展,不斷提升澳門會展業的區域競爭力及國際影響力。 而“康復國際亞太區會議2019”能夠獲獎,亦是有賴大家的支持和認同!藉著是次的獲獎,讓我們再一起重溫這個在澳門舉行的國際盛事!
2019.07.08 北京師範大學-香港浸會大學聯合國際學院 師生參加康復國際亞太區會議並發表論文

2019.07.08 北京師範大學-香港浸會大學聯合國際學院 師生參加康復國際亞太區會議並發表論文 https://mdgp.uic.edu.hk/cn/home/news/7113-2019-07-08-02-34-22