A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau

Child Welfare Scheme Nepal (CWSN) Celebrates Centennial of Rehabilitation International(RI) Global

On the occasion of Centennial of Rehabilitation International (RI) Global, CWSN organized various activities on 3rd and 4th December 2022 in Pokhara Nepal. Being a credible member of RI, it was CWSN’s responsibility to celebrate RI’s 100th-year birthday which is one of the pioneer organizations in the field of disability around the Globe.

On the 3rd of December 2022, CWSN organized a really in Pokhara, Nepal with the participants of persons with disabilities, civil society organization and local government representatives. The really marched almost an hour around city and concluded with the speeches of various dignitaries Infront of   Dipendra Conventional Hall in Pokhara. The speakers highlighted the rights of persons with disabilities, United Nations Conventions of Persons with Dyabilities (UN-CRPD) and its importance.

In the same occasion, CWSN also organized various sports activities with the participants of deaf students of Srijana Deaf Secondary School in Pokhara on 4th December 2022. A total of 136 students of that School took part in the 5 different sports i.e., Volleyball, Short Foot, Relay Race, Art Competition, Sweet Race and Marble Race. Similarly, 25 teaches were participated in the Musical Chair Game.

This one-day sports activities were inaugurated by the Secretary of State Ministry of Youth and Sports of Gandaki Province. The Executive Director of CWSN and the Head Teacher of the School expressed their commitment for continues support for deaf students in the coming days. The Secretary and the Head Teacher also thanked the CWSN for organizing and celebrating RI’s 100 year-birthday with their students. All the speakers wish the very best the 100-year- birthday of RI and Congratulated to RI for its long contributions for persons with disabilities in the globe.      

Source: https://www.riglobal.org/hild-welfare-scheme-nepal-cwsn-celebrates-centennial-of-rehabilitation-internationalri-global/