A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau

RI Asia Pacific Region Activities Report

RI AP Meeting

  • AP Regional Meeting was held on 3rd March 2023 via zoom.
  • Main Agenda discussed: preparation for the RI Centennial Celebration, RI Outstanding Contribution Awards and RI Centennial Fund applications, discussion on AP regional issues and sharing of members’ activities.

RI AP Activities for the RI Centennial Celebration

Joseph Kwan, Vice-President provided advice and oversight to the following AP Members’ Projects:

#100 Birthday Celebration video
  • Prepare #100 Birthday Celebration Video with greetings from RI AP Members
  • Editing and production of Master Video
  • Eden Social Welfare Foundation, Taiwan
  • RI Korea
  • Child Welfare Scheme
  • Nepal (CWSN)
#100 Birthday Celebration Poster/Card Contest
  • Organize #100 Birthday Celebration Poster/Card Contest for RI AP Members
  • Five RI Jurors judged and selected three Winners and three Hon Mentions from 22 entries.
  • Prize money for the Contest: US$1000, US$750, US$500
  • Prepare an e-Publication of all the 22 Entries submitted.
  • Display of all 22 Entries at China Administration of Sports for Persons with Disabilities in Beijing from May 19 – 23, 2023
  • Display of all 22 Entries globally: UNHQ at NYC, UN ESCAP HQ at Bangkok, other public venues, art museums, etc.
  • RI Korea
  • RI Macau Fuhong Society of Macau
  • RI Hong Kong (JC)
#100 Birthday display
  • Display at China Administration of Sports for Persons with Disabilities in Beijing from May 19 – 23, 2023
  • Display at Macau Convention & Exhibition Centre
  • CDPF and RIPO
  • RI Macau Fuhong Society of Macau
  • RI Hong Kong (JC)
PublicationTo produce an e-Publication to record all the 355 design entries received from the UIA/RI International Accessibility Symbol (ISA) Design Competition 2022RI AP VP Joseph Kwan
TrainingConduct 3-day training on Conductive Education and sharing of history of RI & disability rights.Katilosa East Timor
Celebration Day with School Students
  • Celebration with deaf school students
  • Gift hampers for 100 PwDs
  • Translation and posters print.
Child Welfare Scheme in Nepal (CWSN)
Support RI #100 Celebration in Beijing
  • To sponsor up to 10 delegates @ US$1000 each to attend the RI Celebration in Beijing in May2023
  • Hong Kong DAH (2 person)
  • Nepal NRCD (2 person)
RI AP VP Joseph Kwan

 Activities of Vice President and Deputy Vice Presidents

Participation in the following events and activities by: VP Joseph Kwan (Hong Kong)

  1. APNAT (Asia Pacific Network on Accessible Tourism):
    As Advisor, attended EXCO meeting on 3 March and AGM on 29 April, and Joint OC Meeting of ICAT2023 Conference in Bangkok on 16 May.
  2. Meeting with RI AP Deputy Vice President in Macau:
    Meeting with Fatima Ferreira in Macau on 10 March to discuss AP business, finances, directions and way forward activities for the Region for 2023-24
  3. UN ESCAP (APFSD) Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development #10 Session:
    Participated via zoom the ESCAP side-event on building accessible and inclusive cities and communities in Asia and the Pacific, co-organized by ESCAP and UNHabitat, in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia (BAPPENAS). The side-event took place on 28 March 2023, from 12:15 to 13:30 Bangkok time.
  4. Meeting with Eden Social Welfare Foundation in Taipei:
    Informal meeting with international affairs members of Eden Social Welfare Foundation in Taipei on 3 April to discuss AP directions and way forward activities for the Region for 2023-24

Participation in the following events and activities by: DVP Fatima Ferreira (Macau)

  1. Activities and Projects of Macau, China (Fuhong Society of Macau): Webinar on Selected Historical landmarks from Rehabilitation International Centennial E-book. This webinar is based on the e-book, senior experts who serve on the RI E-Book Editorial Committee and who are world-renowned experts in their respective fields will speak on the following areas in which RI has been recognized as a pioneer and promoter over the past several decades. The webinar brought together 76 local people and people from all over the world to participate, including practitioners, scholars, and representatives of organizations for persons with disabilities.
  2. Organizing Book Launch and Symposium
      • Book Launch Event:
        The Fuhong Society of Macau has successfully held the social enterprise course and new book launching event of “Social Enterprise Backpacking: A Journey of Joy and Happiness”. More than 30 social service workers and students from social service organizations and schools participated in the course. In addition to sharing the innovative ideas of social enterprises, business development thinking, and book content. We also interact with participants to exchange their suggestions and ideas on social enterprises, stimulate their forward-looking thinking, encourage them to propose pioneering ideas, and jointly offer suggestions for social innovation.
    • Symposium:In order to promote mutual exchanges between social service organizations in various regions and combine forces from all parties to promote the development of social services in Macau. We shared experiences and knowledge, learned from the practical experience of various regions, and develop innovative services with local characteristics. Through the holding of this symposium, partners from the industry and other sectors would be invited to share and discuss countermeasures to explore various social issues and new phenomena.
  3. AP Members’ Projects
    Display a video of RI Centennial CelebrationProduce #100 Birthday Celebration Video for display at Macau Convention & Exhibition Centre & for display at BeijingFuhong Society of Macau
    Birthday Card/ Poster Contest
    • Collect all the Celebration cards/posters from AP Members
    • Produce an e-Publication, and a hard-copy of all the designs for display in Beijing
    Fuhong Society of Macau
  4. Participation in the following events and activities:
    • Participation in RICC session on Rehabilitation, as Keynote Speaker under the theme: To Fully Mobilize the Functions of Organizations of and for Persons with Disabilities in Social Inclusion, on 22 May 2023.
    • Participation in RICC session on Social Inclusion and Organizations of and for Persons with Disabilities, as Keynote Speaker under the theme: “Application and Development of “Internet +” in Rehabilitation Service”, on 23 May 2023.

Participation in the following events and activities by: DVP Chuljae Lee (South Korea)

  1. Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities, RI Korea (Mar-Apr):
    • Development of the project into an ESG initiative project, in partnership with LG & KOICA (Korea International Cooperation) with a view to promote equity of digital IT and to further develop the GITC into the unique world-wide IT competition for young people with disabilities, involving six continents.
    • Reviewing the preparation for the GITC 2023, held in Oct in Abu Dhabi co-hosted by Zayed Higher Organization, which will host the RI World Congress 2024
  2. The MIRACLES, Purme Foundation (8 Feb 23):
    • Regular meeting of the mega-donors making the miracles
    • Foundation of Nexon Children Rehabilitation Hospital
    • Smart Farm for young people with developmental disabilities
  3. RI Korea Capacity Building Grants for CSOs in the Asia & Pacific Region (April)
    • Overall consultation on the project and review of the selection
    • Target groups: RIAP and APDF Member Organizations
    • Grants Beneficiaries: 3 out of 4 organizations are RI members
      1. Bangladesh, Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha (BPUS): Seminars and trainings on Inclusive Education for officials in the public sectors
      2. Indonesia, Indonesian Mental Health Association (IMHA): Needs assessment of people with psycho-social disabilities and their families through focused group interviews and research
      3. Nepal, National Rehabiliation Centre of the Disabled (NRCD):
      4. Pakistan, Tamir Welfare Organization: Seminar and advocacy on accessibility to public transport, with engagement of public officers as well as professionals working in the disability rights organization
  4. Oversea Field-visit project: Global Challenges of Youth
    • Technical advice on the topic and relevant organizations to visit.
    • Target groups: 43 Young people with and without disabilities
    • Topic: Digital IT for Humanity
    • Goals: To raise awareness on the impact of inclusive digital technologies on enhancing opportunities for persons with disabilities in the 4th Industrial Revolution
    • Contents: Digital inclusion policies and technologies developed by IT industries, including MS, Apple, Google and national programs
      1. Digital IT to promote employment of persons with disabilities (USA)
      2. Advanced Digital IT and changes in the lives of persons with disabilities (USA)
      3. Digital Inclusion policies and changes in the lives of persons with disabilities (USA)
      4. Four un-decided teams to be selected through a public contest (Other countries)