A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau

Scientific Program at a Glance

 Pre-conference MeetingsDay 1 (26 June,  Wednesday)Day 2 (27 June, Thursday)Day 3 (28 June, Friday)

• Workshop on Accessible Information Communication Technology AND Web-Based Vocational Skills; Funded by RI GDDF
(23-25 June)

• RI A/P National Secretaries meetings (14:00-16:00)

• Asia Pacific Disability Forum: Executive committee meeting, and general meeting

• Opening Ceremony

• Plenary 1: From CRPD, Incheon Strategy, and UN SDGs: Impacts on the people with disabilities and their families in the Asia and Pacific Region

• Plenary Panel 1B: Inclusive School and University Education

• Plenary Panel 1C: Women with Disabilities

• Plenary 3A: Vocational Training, Work and Employment, Social Enterprise, and Income Generating Strategies 

• Plenary 3B: Sharing of Parents of Children with Disability: Advocacy and Services; and Regional Collaboration Initiatives

• Plenary 3C: Care and Support for Persons with ASD and Families

• Plenary 4A: Mental Health, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Counselling

• Plenary 4B:ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health)

• Plenary 4C: People with Dementia

• Study tours cum satellite sessions(Optional)

• Workshop on Fire Safety, Emergency Evacuation, etc. for Person with disabilities (conducted by Mr. M.J. WALSH and Mr. Joseph KWAN)(Optional)

• Workshop on ICF conducted by Dr. Matilde Leonardi(Optional)

• Workshop on Inclusive Education co-hosted by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macau (conducted by Professor Chris Forlin and Professor Kenneth Sin)(Optional)

• Macau Statement 2019 Drafting Committee meeting

12:30-14:00• Working of WHO Collaborating Centre on Rehabilitation

• Sharing on future strategies from RI Senior Leadership in the Region, and presentation of certificate of appreciation (TBC)

• Signing of MoU of Partnership by Networks of Parents with children with disabilities (TBC)


• Plenary 2A : Long Term Comprehensive Rehabilitation Planning;

• Plenary 2B Jointly hosted by Rotary Club District 3450 and RI Centennial Committee

• Plenary 2C: Disability-Inclusive Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Low Cost Appropriate Devices; Impact on Social Business and Employment

• Breakout sessions A: 8 sessions with 10 subthemes


• Breakout sessions B: 8 sessions with 8 subthemes

• Breakout sessions C : 8 sessions with 9 subthemes

• Plenary 5A: Accessibility and Universal Design for All

• Plenary 5B: Accessible IT and Technology Innovatoin

• Plenary 5C: Disability-inclusive and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

• Closing ceremony

• Lucky Draw

• Afternoon Buffet

18:00-21:00 • Gala Dinner (Optional)• Macau Entertainment, subject to availability of sponsors