A Memoir of Rehabilitation International’s Centenary 1922-2022

Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference

26 (Wednesday) - 28 (Friday) June 2019 Macau


Fuhong Society of Macau

Workshop on Inclusive Education

Workshop on Inclusive Education

Reviewing, Reflecting & Reforming Inclusive Education for Sustainable & Effective Engagement of Students with Disability

Date : 28 June 2019 (Friday)
Time : 09:30- 12:30
Venue : Venetian Macao Resort Hotel

Speaker: Professor Chris FORLIN – An international private consultant on inclusive education. She has extensive experience working with governments, educational systems and schools to foster effective inclusive practices
Professor Kenneth SIN– Director of the Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education, Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling at The Education University of Hong Kong

WHAT is featured in the Programme?
To provide a process to support schools in effective development of Inclusive
Education in the Asia Pacific region

CONTENT of the Workshop
This will be an interactive workshop presented in English designed for teachers, school principals, and heads of department to engage in an action focused activity to enhance inclusive education in their schools. Participants will be led through a process of reviewing their existing practices; reflecting on the most effective outcomes and the challenges they face; and planning for reforming inclusion at a school and classroom level to ensure highly effective and sustainable outcomes for students with disability. Leadership teams from schools are warmly encouraged to participate, although individuals will also benefit from the workshop.

Number of participants: 55

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